SB08MED Agenda at a glance

Publié le par SB07MED Event

       Tentative Agenda at a glance

   6 Plenary Sessions- Debates ( languages : Greek, French, English )


Plenary Session- Debate 1:
Mediterranean city and climate change 
This opening plenary will focus on the broad themes of the event, on the impacts of city on climate change and the related specificities of the Mediterranean region. 
It will include the threats and costs associated with climate change and the benefits to business and the economy that can result from taking action now. 
Examples from cities and businesses will show how taking action on climate change can contribute to sustainable development by leading to new business opportunities, cost savings through efficiency improvements, procurement benefits, and job creation.
Plenary Session-Debate 2:
Business of climate change : Job creation and development

This plenary will focus on climate-friendly economic development strategies and their impact on city job markets and the growth of developing economies. The session will answer the following questions: How can cities take up the challenge of climate change mitigation and adaptation, remain competitive, and achieve economic growth? What can be done to position climate innovation at the heart of job creation? How can city-related green procurement create new jobs?
Plenary Session-Debate 3 :
Buildings and climate change : International Meeting of Sustainable Construction and of the HQE©

This panel will focus on how cities can encourage high-performance energy efficient building in new and existing commercial and residential construction to change the face of city built environments.
Plenary Session – Debate 4:
Communicate  change and ensure action of cities
This plenary will focus on the fact that for public or private sector leaders to take action on global warming, they must have the tools to create a public mandate for change.In order to create change, leaders must demonstrate political courage, create thoughtful communications strategies, develop metrics for measurement, engage their stakeholders and cooperate with public or private entities. This plenary ultimately asks, once a city or business decides to build sustainability into its decision-making process, how can it also build it into its brand identity?
Plenary Session- Debate 5:
Can cities develop in a low-carbon economy ?
This plenary will look at innovative financing mechanisms for sustainable infrastructure, such as clean energy and energy efficiency projects in cities. 
It will broadly examine how capital markets are responding to climate change and how cities and businesses can work with these developments to maximise benefits and opportunities.
Plenary Session- Debate 6: 
New forms of governance for a low-carbon city : Create conditions of collective international action 

This plenary will focus on governance issues and will bring together representatives of International bodies and networks who will discuss conditions of necessary international action toward a low-carbon economy and urban space.  
9 Panels-Debates ( languages : Greek, French, English )
Panel- Debate 1:
This panel will focus on energy, city and built  environment impacts on energy resources and the ways of managing energy in the city. Energy will also be treated as a technology that will allow cities to revolutionise the way they power their cities.
Panel-Debate 2: 
                    T      This panel will focus on transport problems in the Mediterranean cities and on sustainable mobility solutions. Best practices from cities that took action to reduce congestion and emissions will be presented.
Panel -Debate 3:
This panel will focus on the urban water management and on how cities can make water systems more efficient.
Panel-Debate 5: 
Energy efficient and HQE buildings
This panel will focus on energy efficient and environmeantal quality buildings. Where are we in the Mediterranean, which are the progresses and the realised projects, what is the situation concerning compliance to the European directives and as far as standardisation and certification are concerned ?   
Panel -Debate 4:  
Information and Communication technologies (ICT)
This panel will focus on the role of ICT in transforming city life.
Panel-Debate 6:  
How to invest in Energy efficiency and environmental quality in buildings?
Financial mechanisms to invest in energy efficiency in buildings will be the subject matter of the panel
Panel-Debate 7:
This panel will focus on the costs and benefits of various fuel types and aims to assist participants in making strategic choices for the future development and management of urban transit systems.  
Panel-Debate 8: 
Renewable Energy
This panel will focus on how to catalyze the swift uptake of renewable energy resources into city power systems.
Panel-Debate 9: 
This panel will focus on how cities and their private sector partners can transform waste into energy and utilize recycling systems to reduce city waste streams.
   3 Workshops with scientific and technical papers 
( languages : English, French )
Workshop 1:  City and climate change :  impacts on resources 
Energy, Water.....
Workshop 2:City and climate change :  networks and sustainable mobility 
Transport, ICT Networks.... 
Workshop 3 : City and climate change :  Buildings, regional and local impacts  
Sustainable buildings, HQE buildings….Concepts and tools, Maintenance, Urban form issues ( heat island effect..), urban green spaces etc.  
Workshop 4 : Built environment and natural risks  
Natural risks and especially those affecting the Mediterranean area  ( seismic risks etc.) are examined, focusing on the urban environment
  Main Scientific  Programme  Responsibles : 
-Dr Stella Kyvelou, Lecturer, Panteion University
-Dr Kostas Bithas, Assistant Professor, Panteion University

English Version picto-en.gif

For the Tentative Programme of the 3 days please click below :






To download the tentative  programme in pdf  please click also here :  SB08MEDProgramme

Greek Version 




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